Committees Meeting Night
Members of all parish committees meet at church one Monday evening each month. Interaction between committees is encouraged during this time on any issues requiring the attention of more than one committee. The meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council begins at 7:45 p.m. All members of the church are welcome.
Standing Committees
The standing committees of St. Dominic Parish are as follows: Social Justice and Environment Committee, Faith Formation, Finance, Liturgy, Maintenance, St. Dominic School Board, and the Hispanic Community Committee.
Parish Pastoral Council
The PPC is the primary coordinating committee of the parish. It is advisory to the pastor in discerning God’s guidance for our parish and coordinating parish programs and committees.
The Council is comprised of members of the leadership team (chair, vice-chair, and secretary, selected through a discernment process and assigned for three-year terms), and representatives from each standing committee designated by their respective committees. These members are all voting members. In addition, the pastor and parish trustees are non-voting members of the council.
The Mission of the PPC is to “work with parish committees and staff to help shape the goals and objectives of the parish to support the Pastor in his proper role and offer counsel on the parish vision.” Below is a list of current PPC members. Please feel free to contact any PPC member with concerns and positive feedback.
Faith Formation Committee
This committee assists and advises Faith Formation staff members. It also provides direction for planning, developing, approving, and improving policies and programs for faith instruction and activities in the parish. Adult and youth parishioners, please join us and share your ideas.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee advises the pastor on the financial matters of the parish, reviews the annual parish budget, and monitors the financial health of the parish. Contact: Doug Lyons 507-649-1021 or Marcia Simon 507-649-1051
Mid Year Financial Status 2020-2021
Health Ministry Committee
The Health Ministry Committee was established in 1999 on the principle that a life of faith involves body, mind, and spirit. Under the direction of the parish nurse, the committee provides the following services:
- Vacation Bible Camp health education component
- Adult education on health issues, blood pressure screening, and yoga
- Training and coordinating BeFrienders
- “A Celebration of the Hands that Give Care” events for caregivers
- Mass of Remembrance on All Souls Day
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Gift from God, welcoming new babies
- Grief Support
- Emergency Preparedness
Contact: Nancy Ludescher, 645-8816 ext. 203. We always welcome new members and ideas!
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee is currently inactive.
The committee aspires to motivate and facilitate full, conscious, and active participation in the parish’s liturgical celebrations. Members study documents on the liturgy of the Church at each meeting. Primary tasks include: seasonal liturgical planning, coordination of liturgical ministries, broader liturgical considerations, planning of special events to educate the various ministries in their function with the liturgy, and suggestions to Parish Council on church buildings and furnishings.
Maintenance Committee
The Maintenance Committee oversees proper care and repair of parish buildings, equipment, and grounds. With approval of the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee, it plans and coordinates improvements, often with labor and materials donated by parishioners.
Social Ministries Committee
Social Ministries is an umbrella for a variety of action groups, people united by interest in the following areas or projects:
- Environmental Care: Our purpose is to help the parish become better stewards of God’s earth. The Environmental Care group is continuing our work with the Maintenance Committee to lower the church’s energy bills by carrying out the findings of the recent energy audit. We installed a Rain Garden alongside the Youth Building to help replenish groundwater and prevent storm water carrying contamination to the Cannon River, and are assisting with another rain garden to collect water at St. Dominic School.
- Thanksgiving food baskets: in conjunction with the Northfield Community Action Center, provides the making of Thanksgiving dinner for low-income families in our area.
- Christmas Sharing: in conjunction with the Northfield Community Action Center, provides gifts for low-income families in Northfield and in Minneapolis through Indian Ministries (looking for a new coordinator, contact the Parish Office if interested).
- Minnesota Food Share drive in March and ongoing collection for the Northfield Food Shelf.
- Respect Life: plans events to raise awareness of pro-life such as Spiritual Adoption, Walk for Life, Pro-Life newspaper ad, Celebration of Life Collection, and a fundraiser for Northfield’s Women’s Center.
- Peace and Justice: local and global issues related to human rights.
Youth Group Committee for Youth Alive
It takes a village to raise faith-filled youth. We are a village of parishioners – parents and youth – who plan fun and faith-filled activities for the young people of our parish (grades 6-12). Activities range from movie night & s’mores to apple pie baking to volleyball to noteworthy speakers. We are open to your suggestions and ideas. Come, join our village and help us raise these kids!
Welcome Committee
Our parish is divided up into geographic neighborhoods. Our Parish Outreach Minister visits new parishioners as a welcome to our parish; familiarizing them with the various parish programs and helping them get to know more parishioners in their area.
People attending weekend Masses are welcomed by representatives of the ushers and greeters. With the addition of the Welcome Center in the narthex near the main entry, those who attend Mass can avail themselves of a variety of services to enhance the sense of welcome to our parish, including nametags, devices for those who are hearing impaired, bags with booklets and items for young children, lending library, Bibles and catechisms, and other items of interest. Hospitality is available most weeks after mass.