The ministry of lector is to proclaim, not merely read, the Word of God at Mass with the goal of communicating the scripture as a living word. This ministry is open to all Catholics who have received the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. Contact the Parish Office if you are interested in serving as a Lector. 507-645-8816.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners who are confirmed and active in the faith may serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assisting the “ordinary ministers” (ordained bishops, priests and deacons). What does it mean to be an “active” Catholic? It is outlined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 2041-2043: http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_P75.HTM, and usefully discussed by Relevant Radio here: https://relevantradio.com/2018/02/minimum-requirements-practicing-catholic/.
Extraordinary ministers at St. Dominic are appointed for renewable one-year terms each Holy Thursday. Since their appointment is given by the parish, they are not to exercise this ministry elsewhere without the permission of the appropriate pastor.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus at Masses and Communion services. They may also bring Communion to people in their homes, hospitals, and care centers. Ministers at Care Centers do need the Essential-3 (including VIRTUS/vulnerable adult training). Contact: Parish Office, 645-8816
Mass Servers
Young people in grades 5 and up are eligible to assist at the altar as weekend Mass Servers. Servers are assigned to a specific Mass time as members of teams generally scheduled on a rotation of every four weeks. Young people interested in becoming weekend Mass servers are invited to contact George Budd.
Servers from St. Dominic School in grades 5 and up may receive training and serve at school Masses. Although encouraged, it is not required that they be weekend Mass servers. Students from St. Dominic School are generally called upon to serve for funerals on days when school is in session.
Mass Coordinators
Mass Coordinators prepare the worship space for Mass. They also check to see that people for the other ministries are present. Mass Coordinators are commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and assist with Communion at Mass. Mass Coordinators serve for a month at a time at a specific liturgy. Contact: Parish Office, 645-8816.
Ushers take up the collection, guide the Communion procession, and assist in other ways at Mass. Men and women, adults and youth, are invited to serve. Contact: Parish Office, 645-8816.
Greeters–Ministers of Hospitality–welcome and provide assistance for people as they come into church. Individuals and families are invited and encouraged to participate. Contact: Parish Office, 645-8816.
Liturgical Environment
The decorating team is responsible for the seasonal environment in our church. Times are flexible, and busiest around Christmas and Easter. Contact: Carol Fraher, 645-0115
Schedule of Ministers
Liturgical Ministers are scheduled with a system called Ministry Pro. Each minister has their own account. Please contact the Parish Office for more information or to set up an account.