Allow me to begin this welcome letter with what is most true about us: God loves us--each and every one of us. In fact, through baptism we are God’s beloved daughters and sons. The Bible tell us: “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are” (1 John 3:2). And so, beloved daughters and sons of God, my prayer is that you will experience this affirming and life-changing love of God here at St. Dominic Catholic Church.
Even in our fast-paced modern world, families still know the value of regularly coming together to share a special meal and family stories, and to simply be with one another. I invite you and your family to our regular privileged “family time” at St. Dominic--weekly Sunday Mass. Here we reflect on and are challenged to integrate into our lives the greatest story ever told: the Biblical story of God’s redeeming love for humanity in Jesus Christ. Here we participate in that love poured out for us in the sacrificial meal Christ provides for us, where He offers His Body and Blood as food for our journey through life.
Getting involved in one or more of the many liturgical, educational, or service ministries is a great way to get connected with other parishioners. We welcome you here at St. Dominic. Also, if you have little ones, please check out our Catholic School. St. Dominic School is Pre-K through 8th grade.
If you like, I would love to have the opportunity for us to meet after or before a Saturday evening or Sunday morning Mass. Please stop and introduce yourself anytime!
In Christ,
Fr. Louie Floeder