Middle School Faith Formation meets on Wednesday evenings at the Church of St. Dominic for interactive learning and living the Christian Catholic Faith, based on the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Please see the Faith Formation calendar for specific times/details.
Middle School grades 6, 7 and 8 learn with the Y-Disciple Series. The catechists involved in this program learn to be “Disciple-Makers''. Through excellent videos, discussions and activities, students learn about our One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic church. Students become more familiar with the Bible and have weekly small group discussions that address many of the real challenges our youth struggle with every day.
YDisciple believes that teens “need to belong in order to believe” so with our faith formation program for teens we create a safe place where the teens know they are respected and cared for. YDisciple also believes that for teens, “Authenticity is king. With teens you need to earn the right to be heard”. Through YDisciple, our middle school students hear personal testimonies that are filmed in real life.
We know that parents are the number one influencer in the faith life of their teenager, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start, especially with teens. Each week parents receive a summary of what was covered in faith formation. They receive the main points of the small group discussions and some questions to help their teen continue to process what they learned and talked about. Each week, the teens are challenged to apply what they discussed in their small groups to their daily lives. This challenge is shared with parents, so they can be part of the journey.
Middle School youth are also encouraged to participate in our Youth Group “Youth Nights”, where they can enjoy fun and faith-filled activities with youth in our parish.
Please use the “REGISTRATION” link here to register. Only one online form per family is necessary.