Fare For All buys fresh produce and frozen meat in bulk from wholesalers and manufactures to find the best deals available. Volunteers at their warehouse pre-pack the produce and meat into food packages that range in price from $10 – $25. These packages are for sale at all Fare For All locations.
Fare For All is open to everyone – because food is purchased in bulk, the more people who participate the better. Fare For All is typically at St. Dominic Church the second Thursday of each month from 3:30 – 5:30 pm: check the Fare for All website for specific dates.
Fare For All accepts cash, credit, debit, and EBT cards.
Fare For All is one way The Food Group fights hunger and nourishes the community. The Food Group brings more fresh produce to the community through Fare for All produce packs, our food shelf partners, and Big River Farms.
Contact: Margaret Huber